Holy Communion
As Lutheran Christians, we believe that Christ's body and blood are truly present under the forms of bread and wine. This real presence is a mystery.
All who are baptized in the Triune name of God are invited by our Lord to His altar to receive Holy Communion. A blessing is offered to all non-communing persons who approach the altar and cross their arms over their chest. Kneeling or standing is acceptable.
For those who desire, grape juice is provided in the center of the tray, and gluten free wafers are available upon request.
For those with physical limitations, if you would prefer to receive communion in your pew, please inform the ushers and we will accommodate you.
For more information about Communion please contact our pastor by emailing randy.jones@fulc.org or by using our contact form.
All who are baptized in the Triune name of God are invited by our Lord to His altar to receive Holy Communion. A blessing is offered to all non-communing persons who approach the altar and cross their arms over their chest. Kneeling or standing is acceptable.
For those who desire, grape juice is provided in the center of the tray, and gluten free wafers are available upon request.
For those with physical limitations, if you would prefer to receive communion in your pew, please inform the ushers and we will accommodate you.
For more information about Communion please contact our pastor by emailing randy.jones@fulc.org or by using our contact form.