COW—Confirmation on Wednesdays
The confirmation program at FULC is a three-year program, beginning normally in the sixth grade. The program takes place September through late April on Wednesdays from 7 to 8:30pm. Confirmation Sunday is typically the first Sunday in May. Currently, we use the ELCA Here We Stand confirmation curriculum published by Augsburg Fortress. It is a very fun and interactive program that offers a variety of flexible teaching options. Pam Thompson is our Confirmation Director. Pastor Prinsen opens class each week with the Gospel lesson and a prayer and then meets with the parents. Pam teaches the lessons, schedules confirmation retreats, organizes various service events and also our Confirmation Sunday activities. She can be contacted through our church office.
At First United we strongly encourage parent participation in our confirmation program. It sets up valuable talking points during the week for spiritual conversation between parent and child regarding the Christian faith and their Lutheran heritage. This is where most learning takes place. No one has more influence on a child for faith formation than a parent. When a child is baptized, parents make a promise to God. They promise to "faithfully bring her/him to the services of God's house and to teach him/her the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, and the Ten Commandments. As he/she grows in years, you should place in their hands the Holy Scriptures and provide for her/his instruction in the Christian faith..." FULC and its confirmation program are here to help parents fulfill this promise.