Seasonal Worship at FULC
In our worship and programs at FULC we observe the holy seasons of the church year as well as the high holy days. In summary:
- Advent is time of spiritual preparation for both the coming of the Christ child in the manger and the second coming of Christ in the glory of God's Kingdom.
- Christmas is the season of celebrating Jesus' birth.
- Epiphany is the time of seeing God in our lives.
- Lent is a period of introspection, service, and giving to the poor in preparation for the resurrection of Christ.
- Maundy Thursday is the eve of the crucifixion marked by Jesus washing the disciples' feet and commanding them to love each other as he has loved them.
- Good Friday is the observance of the crucifixion, the event of salvation in which Jesus Christ gives his life for the forgiveness and eternal life of all people.
- Easter is the highest of holy days and seasons in which we celebrate Jesus' victory over death for all people.
- Pentecost and the time after Pentecost is the season of marking the Holy Spirit's work through the church as the body of Christ on Earth.